Why are you so generous while other masters keep their secrets? Isn't it a contradiction? Qigong makes them open their heart, but they are still very conservative.
There are a few reasons why I am generous.
If I don't share Secrets, Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong will be lost. Other masters may not have the same enthusiasm and sincerity in passing these arts to posterity.
Secondly, I have a lot of Secrets. Sharing a few is not a big problem, compared to other masters who have few Secrets. Let us say I have a thousand Secrets. I can freely share a hundred Secrets. Other masters who have only ten Secrets will be very concerned after letting out a few Secrets.
How is it that I have so many Secrets whereas other masters have so few?
I was and still am very interested in Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong philosophy. I have a large collection of Kungfu and Qigong classics. Other masters may not be bothered with such philosophy.
In my young days I went round seeking Kungfu masters and discussed with them. This increased my understanding of Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong, and added to my repertoire of Secrets.
I have a huge turn-over of classes per year. I teach more than a hundred classes, whereas most masters have the same one or two classes following him the whole year. This huge turn-over of classes not only enables me to improve my teaching methodology but also increases my understanding of Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong Secrets. Many of these Secrets resulted from my meeting expedient needs to help students solve problems in their training.
Many of the Secrets are not actually Secrets in the classical sense. There are training points any practitioners of Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong in the past would know, but kungfu and chi kung have been debased so ridiculously today that modern practitioners do not know them.
For example, covering oneself for safety whenever he attacked was standard knowledge. If a student did not know it, he would soon know from actual experience of sparring or real fighting. But today students are so negligent in their own safety in sparring that telling them of this point resembles a Secrets.
Being focused and relaxed was an essential point any Genuine Qigong practitioner in the past would know. But today chi kung has been debased to gentle physical exercise that telling students about this point constitutes a Secrets.
Thirdly, I am generous by nature. My Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong training opens my heart and makes me generous.
Then, why aren't other kungfu and chi kung masters generous? It is because not many people, including masters, have the opportunity to practice high-level Genuine Kungfu and Genuine Qigong like ours.
Only some masters have internal force and are able to generate an energy flow, and they take months, if not years, to achieve these skills. Our students in my intensive courses take only one day! It is incredible but true.
Hence, although they are masters, of lower levels kungfu and chi kung or called masters out of respect, they may not enjoy the benefits that we do, like opening our hearts and be generous.
Most Chinese masters are conservative by tradition. I happen to be a freak in this respect. Our generosity is also determined by our school philosophy that we share the wonderful benefits of our arts with deserving students irrespective of race, culture and religion.
Indeed, when I first taught Genuine Qigong to the public, many masters were angry or laughing at me. They were angry that I taught to non-Chinese, and laughing that I taught Genuine Qigong in a matter of months (now in a matter of days). To them chi kung and kungfu training took years.
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If you feel ready to practice Genuine Shaolin Cosmos Qigong you might want to check our Private Generating Qi Flow Course.
This article is been shared with brief and subtle changes in accordance to my own way to explain this same principles to my students and to edit out private personal details about the people asking these questions. If you like to read the original article as was published by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit in his website, just follow the link.